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Staff Picks

November 2016 Staff Picks

Brenda’s Pick: Disappearance in Damascus by Deborah Campbell I had heard an interview with Deborah Campbell on CBC radio and watched for her book, Disappearance in Damascus. Her story begins

September 2016 Staff Picks

Brenda’s Pick: Isabella : the warrior queen by Kirstin Downey For anyone with an interest in history and specifically Spanish history, this book is a fascinating biography of Isabella of Castile, who became

April 2016 Staff Picks

Brenda’s Pick: In Other Words by Jumpha Lahiri Jumpha Lahiri, a renowned fiction author, has crafted this non-fiction book. Oddly enough, she wrote it in Italian, her third language. The

November 2015 Staff Picks

Becky’s Pick: Beastly Babies by Ellen Jackson Puppies slobber. Kittens spill. Young gorillas can’t sit still. Mamas gobble, mamas cluck. Barnyard babies run amok! In our house, this was not