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Joint Accessibility Committee

The Powell River Public Library is dedicated to removing barriers and improving accessibility for people of all ages and abilities who live, work and play in the qathet region.

Accessibility Committee

Recruitment for 2023 has closed, for information on the work of the committee, please refer to the qathet Regional District Committee page.

Committee Purpose & Roles

The Joint Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Committee will assist the City of Powell River, Powell River Public Library, and qathet Regional District to identify, remove, and prevent barriers experienced by persons with disabilities per the legislated requirements for prescribed organizations under the Accessible British Columbia Act and Regulation.

The Committee will perform the following roles:
  • Identify barriers to individuals in or interacting with the Partner Organizations;
  • Advise and make recommendations on how to remove and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization;
  • Inform the development of an Accessibility Plan and subsequent updates every three (3) years;
  • Review feedback received on the Accessibility Plan and on barriers faced by individuals interacting with our three organizations and make recommendations on how to eliminate the barrier or address the concern; and
  • Provide advice on identifying, eliminating and preventing barriers in relation to employment, delivery of services, built environment, information and communication, transportation, health, education and procurement.

The Committee will consist of at least five and up to nine voting members, and meet the following requirements as set out in the Accessible British Columbia Act:

  • At least half of members are persons with disabilities; or individuals who support, or are from organizations that support, persons with disabilities;
  • At least one person who identifies as Indigenous; and
  • Members who reflect the diversity of persons in British Columbia.

Members will serve for two-year terms (except in the first year when half of the voting members will be appointed for one-year terms to allow for staggered expiration terms). Members will serve no more than three consecutive terms.

Time Commitment

The Committee will meet four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair, as needed. Members may be required to meet more frequently during the first few months of the Committee as we work to develop the Accessibility Plan.

Terms of Reference
Read or download the Terms of Reference.

“Impairment” means a physical, sensory, mental, intellectual or cognitive impairment, whether permanent, temporary or episodic.

 “Barrier” means anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.

“Disability” means an inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.