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Indigenous Peoples

Library Resources:

  • Indigenous Collection – The Indigenous Collection contains content for all ages that acknowledges and honours the cultures and experiences of Indigenous and Métis communities, including those living in an urban setting, and to highlight titles that reflect the impact of residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the theme of reconciliation for all age groups.
  • ʔayʔajuθəm / Ayajuthem Language Learning Kit – This language learning kit includes 10 posters with QR codes that each lead to a pronunciation lesson. Posters can be used for personal learning, in the classroom, at work and beyond.
  • Making a Chaputs: The Teachings and Responsibilities of a Canoe Maker by Joe Martin and Alan Hoover – Tla-o-qui-aht master canoe maker Joe Martin, in collaboration with former museum curator Alan Hoover, describes the meaning and method behind one of the most vivid and memorable symbols of the Northwest Coast: the dugout canoe.
  • ƛaʔuukʷiatḥ, an NFB short film, is narrated by Joe Martin as he carves a dugout canoe in his workshop and recounts his life as a logger, land defender, mentor and master carver.

Local Resources:

  • Tla’amin First Nation – The Tla’amin Nation (formerly known as the Sliammon First Nation) is one of the many indigenous Coast Salish tribes inhabiting the Pacific Northwest Coast. The Nation’s traditional territory spanned along the northern part of B.C.’s Sunshine Coast, occupying an area over 400 square kilometers in size.
  • ʔayʔajuθəm /Ayajuthem Language (First Voices) – An interactive dictionary to help learners read and pronounce the ʔayʔajuθəm alphabet. is an online space for communities to share and promote their language, oral culture and linguistic history. Member groups represent over 50 Indigenous nations, bands and other non-profit organizations.
  • As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder– Elsie Paul is an Elder and knowledge keeper of the Tla’amin Nation. She is a residential school survivor and one of the few living people to speak the Tla’amin language fluently. As I Remember It is revised digital multimedia edition of Elsie Paul’s life story and teachings.
  • jehjeh Media – jehjeh Media was co-founded by a group of ʔayʔajuθəm speaking women and is dedicated to reclaiming and celebrating the ʔayʔajuθəm language.
  • SD47 Indigenous Education – Learn more about SD47’s Indigenous Education program