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First Dibs: Teens Read New Books First!

Teens! Get first dibs on new books, write reviews for publication in PRPL’s library catalogue for all time!  See examples of past reviews here.  And get volunteer credit!

This program is available for any teen who wants to become an official PRPL Book Reviewer. Those registered with Brooks Secondary School’s volunteer service program get five-hours of volunteer credit for every book read and reviewed!


or contact Mel Edgar at or call 604-485-4796 ext. 213

How does it work?

    1. Register in First Dibs!
    2. Get assigned a new teen book based on your reading preferences.
    3. Read the book!
    4. Rate out of five stars, and write a short (250 word) review.
    5. Submit your review and rating (include your name, & the title and author of the book ) and send to
    6. Return the book to the library!
    7. Accepted reviews are published in PRPL’s catalogue!

What makes a good book review:

    • We are looking for your thoughts and opinions about the book – was it interesting and engaging? Was the writing good? How did you feel about the characters and how they interacted?
    • We are not looking for a summary of the book’s plot
    • Submissions of only one or two lines will be returned with a request for a more detailed and expansive review.
    • Peer editing welcome. Ask a friend to edit your work! Edit a friends’ work!

Are you a First Dibs reviewer searching for your reviews in the PRPL catalogue? 

Try searching our catalogue at for your name in quotation marks, for example “David Bowie”  (substituting your name for David Bowie’s) this should take you right to YOUR REVIEWS published in our catalogue.